As a college student, you may not have had many opportunities to establish credit. You may begin to build credit by opening a checking or savings account and keeping the accounts in good standing by avoiding overdrafts. If you have rented an apartment for a length of time and have a good history of paying your rent on time then you could see if your landlord would be willing to serve as a credit reference for you. You can also apply for a department store credit card, but be sure to pay the bill each month. Otherwise the purpose of showing your responsible use of credit cards will be defeated.
Legal Handbook
- Automobiles
Credit Card Issues
- Can A Credit Card Company Discriminate Against Me Based On My Age?
- Can A Credit Card Company Discriminate Against Me Based On My Marital Status Or The Fact That I Receive Public Assistance?
- How Do I Apply For A Credit Card?
- How Do I Establish A Credit History To Show That I Am Financially Responsible?
- How Do I Explain To My Card Issuer That My Card Is Lost Or Was Stolen?
- If My Card Is Stolen Will I Have To Pay For Purchases Made By The Thief?
- What Does The Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) Require?
- What If A Credit Card Company Refuses My Application Because Of My Race Or Gender?
- What Obligations Does A Credit Card Company Have When My Credit Card Is Stolen?
- Debt Crisis
- Health
- Identity Theft
- Illegal Downloading
- Travel Fraud
- Documents
- Domestic Relations
- Employment
- Landlord & Tenant
- Small Claims Court
- Student Rights
- Traffic & Misdemeanors